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The opportunity


Yenza is your all-in-one career guide, coach and mentor for career success. Gain career clarity, develop your skills, and find opportunities faster, using the Yenza app.

The details

Why choose Yenza?

Yenza’s groundbreaking app will help you discover your ideal career path, and land your dream job. The Yenza app:

  • Helps you understand your personality and strengths
  • Gives you rich insights into your interests, ability, personality and environment
  • Uses smart algorithms to accurately recommend the careers, subjects and tertiary options that will give you the best chance of success
The connection

How do I apply?

To join Yenza, simply visit yenza.me, click on the pricing page, and select the package you’re interested in. Siyavula learners will receive a 30% discount on all packages, simply by entering the promo code "MYFUTURE30" on the right-hand side. The code is case-sensitive, so make sure you enter it correctly. Your journey starts now!

Apply now!

For more information, please visit the website at: yenza.me
