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The opportunity


SAYouth.mobi is a 100% free network that connects young unemployed South Africans to jobs and learning opportunities in their area.

The details

Why choose SAYouth.mobi?

  • SAYouth.mobi is zero-rated. It is 100% free and requires no data to use.
  • It’s an easy to access mobi-site where you get access to jobs and learning opportunities close to where you live.
  • Apply for government and corporate jobs, and access resources to help you start your own business and earn an income. All in one place!
  • Access free work-readiness content online to help you upskill and prepare for the world of work.
  • SAYouth.mobi is part of the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention, and is supported by the Department of Employment and Labour, the Department of Higher Education and Training, the National Youth Development Agency, and the Development Bank of South Africa. It is managed by Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator.
The connection

How do I register?

To be eligible to join SAYouth.mobi, you need to be between 18 - 34 years old, and have a South African (or refugee) Identity Document, or a valid work permit, as well as a postal code to show where you live.

To register on SAYouth.mobi, all you need to do is:

  • Step 1: Sign up on sayouth.mobi
  • Step 2: Tell us a bit more about yourself, so we can match you with suitable jobs and opportunities.
  • Step 3: Log in to SAYouth.mobi regularly to search for new jobs, and complete work-readiness content.
  • Step 4: Keep your profile up-to-date, and tell us how your journey to employment is going.

Important: If your cell phone number changes, please update this on the site, so you are always contactable.

If you require any help, you can call the SAYouth guides toll free on 0800 727272, for a full range of support. Response hours are 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

Register now!

For more information, please visit the website at: sayouth.mobi | SAYouth.mobi
