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End of chapter exercises

End of chapter exercises

Textbook Exercise 12.1

Give one word or term for each of the following descriptions.

  1. A composition of two or more atoms that act as a unit.

  2. Chemical formula that gives the relative number of atoms of each element that are in a molecule.

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Give a definition for each of the following terms:

  1. molecule

  2. ionic compound

  3. covalent network structure

  4. empirical formula

  5. ball-and-stick model

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Ammonia, an ingredient in household cleaners, is made up of one part nitrogen (\(\text{N}\)) and three parts hydrogen (\(\text{H}\)). Answer the following questions:

  1. is ammonia a covalent, ionic or metallic substance?

  2. write down the molecular formula for ammonia

  3. draw a ball-and-stick diagram

  4. draw a space-filling diagram

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In each of the following, say whether the chemical substance is made up of covalent, molecular structures, covalent network structures, ionic network structures or metallic structures:

  1. ammonia gas (\(\text{NH}_{3}\))

  2. zinc metal (\(\text{Zn}\))

  3. graphite (\(\text{C}\))

  4. nitric acid (\(\text{HNO}_{3}\))

  5. potassium bromide (\(\text{KBr}\))

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Refer to the diagram below and then answer the questions that follow:

  1. Identify the molecule.

  2. Write the molecular formula for the molecule.

  3. Is the molecule a covalent, ionic or metallic substance? Explain.

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Represent each of the following molecules using its chemical formula, structural formula and the ball-and-stick model.

  1. nitrogen

  2. carbon dioxide

  3. methane

  4. argon

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